Tips for Crafting a Compelling Legal Cover Letter

Published:  Jan 03, 2024

 Education       Grad School       Law       Resumes & Cover Letters       
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As you prepare for legal recruitment season, you’ll need to build your application package. First, ensure you have updated your resume with relevant experience and key responsibilities (and an accurate email address!). Next, your most recent transcripts should also be ordered and on hand, in case those are requested. Third, you’ll want to review and polish your writing sample, whether a segment of a legal writing assignment or a more recent research project. The last piece to prepare is a compelling cover letter. Cover letters can seem daunting, because you want to write something that stands out without going too far, and because unlike the other aspects of your application package, a cover letter should be individualized to each specific firm. The below infographic provides five tips for crafting a stand-out legal cover letter that will catch the attention of the recruitment team at your dream firm, from finding specific contact names to highlighting notable matters or firm programming that pair well with your career goals.

This infographic was adapted from a post originally authored by Mary Kate Sheridan on October 22, 2018. If you'd like to see the original post, please follow the link.
