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Downey Brand

621 Capitol Mall
18th Floor
Sacramento, CA 95814
(916) 444-1000



With attorneys licensed in California and Nevada, Downey Brand serves the region’s clients in a number of practice areas and industries. Those seeking advice on environmental law rely on the firm’s prominent Natural Resources Group, which works on air quality, environmental enforcement defense, environmental remediation, land use, and water law. The firm also serves as outside general counsel for many of Northern California’s leading companies, including privately held and family-owned entities, nonprofits, and publicly traded companie...

Firm Stats


Total No. Attorneys (2024)

50 - 100


No. of Partners Named (2023)



Featured Rankings

Top 150 Under 150


No. of 1st Year Associates Hired (2024)



No. of Summer Associates (2024)

9 total (8 2Ls; 1 1L)


Base Salary

Sacramento/Stockton1st year: $ 155,000.00

Vault Verdict

Downey Brand presents associates from California or who want to work in California a top-notch work environment, work experience, and interaction with partners. Candidates should be academically accomplished, have relevant experience, and be interested in learning and doing. Office settings are professional  and respectful  but friendly, and coworkers enjoy both scheduled and organic social events. Partners are strong mentors and generous with their time, advice, and feedback. Associates generally feel that their skills and time are valued, and lateral hires favorably rate the onboarding experience. In addition to the solid hands-on guidance associates receive, formal training sessions cover both substantive topics and skills-based learning. All of this training prepares...

About the Firm

Founded in 1926, when Sacramento was a young, burgeoning metropolis, the three-lawyer firm of Downey, Brand & Seymour constituted approximately 3% of the city’s 100 attorneys. The firm’s growth was initially slow—with only five attorneys in 1946. But it continued to grow, expanding to new office locations. Now with nearly 100 attorneys, Downey Brand is Sacramento’s largest law firm.

Notable in Northern California

Downey Brand handles most every type of civil matter, though its practice largely reflects its state capital location in the middle of California’s agricultural heartland. The firm’s particular strengths include business, litigation, and natural resource practices, and its attorneys specialize in 40 subspecialties. Many firm attorneys are licensed in both California an...

Associate Reviews

  • “We interact with attorneys and secretaries daily. Each department has [it] own celebrations, and associates have their own bonding events. Everyone gets along.”
  • “The firm is collegial, and social activities are encouraged, both organically and in firm-sponsored settings. Attorney-staff interactions are dependent on the attorney involved but, overall, appear to be cordial and professional.”
  • “The attorneys here are very kind to each other in the office but do not socialize much outside of the office. If there are firm-sponsored events, they will attend, but people here are very private. But the interactions are very cordial, and people do go out of their way to be nice to one another and help each other in the office—both lawyers and staff.”
  • “The firm has a very good day-to-day atmosphere. Lawyers do socialize together organically, but the firm-sponsored events are sporadic.”

Why Work Here


Downey Brand built its reputation by consistently providing clients with unparalleled legal solutions and unmatched customer service. Attorneys typically focus on one or more areas of law that most interest them and are best suited to their skills and knowledge. This affords our clients specialized advice that is tailored to their business and industry. Within the firm, various practices are grouped together to form our Business, Litigation, and Natural Resources Departments. Downey Brand attorneys have the flexibility to explore different practice areas and work with a variety of colleagues to best represent clients. Our firm is able to offer attorneys interesting cases and rewarding work no matter what their area of expertise.

Getting Hired Here

  • “My firm mostly hires locally … A lot of law students don't really stay in the area (they will go to San Francisco or Los Angeles). Despite that, the candidates [the firm] hires still have to be intelligent, socially competent, and interested in what they do.”
  • “The firm looks for candidates with good academic track records, relevant experience, a willingness to learn, and someone who fits the firm culture. Being primarily located in a smaller market, the firm will pull from schools in the area as well as where the candidate is from.”
  • “We look for someone who fits the need of the applicable department, has good academic criteria, and is someone who can connect with clients. UC Davis and McGeorge are pretty good ‘feeder schools.’"
  • “For lateral associates like myself, this process consisted of in-person interviews at Downey Brand's Sacramento office. Experience relevant to the firm's needs is probably the number one factor for laterals. Hands-on experience is preferred once you are a relatively senior associate: This means taking or defending depositions and arguing motions in court. Law school and grades remain relevant but seem to fade in importance at a higher level of associate seniority.”

Perks & Benefits

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